Our Veterinarians
Our Veterinarians

Our pets age much faster than us, therefore, wellness exams are important to detect early signs of sickness or disease. Dogs and cats are prone to many of the same conditions that humans face as we age such cancer, diabetes, kidney complications, liver and intestinal disorders, arthritis, dental disease, and vision impairment. As a pet parent, it may be difficult to notice the subtle health changes in your dog or cat. Early diagnosis and treatments can can dramatically slow progression of these diseases.
Visits to the vet should not be limited to vaccinations and treatment of overt disease. Regular preventive care will preserve the relationship with your pets by reducing the prevalence and impact of chronic diseases.
Wellness exams are recommended for dogs and cats at least annually, but often at least every 6 months for senior pets and pets with chronic health issues. A wellness exam is an overall general health assessment that may include blood tests, urinalysis, and parasite screening.
During the exam, we will ask about your pet's history, including evaluation of lifestyle and life stage, behavior, and diet. Your pet's veterinarian will then perform a comprehensive physical examination, including dental assessment, pain assessment, and body and muscle condition scoring.
Based off the history and physical exam, the veterinarian will make an assessment for:
Medical conditions
Infectious and zoonotic diseases
Parasite prevention and control
Dental care
Genetic, breed, and age considerations
Based on the assessment, we will communicate with you about the best plan going forward with your pet. The plan may include diagnostic, prevention and/or treatment recommendations.
Diagnostics might include:
Annual heartworm test (mandatory for dogs)
Annual internal parasite testing (fecal exam)
Retroviral testing for cats
Early disease screening tests
Genetic screening tests
Imaging studies (x-rays, ultrasound, and etc.)
Prevention Plan:
Appropriate immunizations
Year-round parasite prevention against heartworms, intestinal parasites, and fleas
Tick control as indicated by risk assessment
Reproductive and genetic counseling and spaying or neutering
Treatment Plan:
Therapeutic recommendations
Dental recommendations
Behavioral recommendations
Dietary recommendations
After appropriate diagnostics and treatments are performed, our team will establish a plan for follow-up based on assessment and future care recommendations.
You can view your pet's wellness exam history and view details about upcoming and past appointments through the Pet Portal. Click the link below for more information.