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Our Veterinarians
Our Veterinarians

Apr 9, 2024
Harmful Plants for Dogs and Cats
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center provides a list of plants that have been reported as having systemic effects on animals and/or intense...

Jun 11, 2019
Resting breathing rate – a method to assess heart function
A pet with heart disease may have an increase in both the breathing rate and or breathing effort. An animal’s breathing pattern may be...

Mar 20, 2017
Leptospirosis – a Threat to Your Dog’s Health 3/27/17 (Update: Leptospirosis on the rise around the United States. Here is a recent...
Jan 26, 2017
Omega-3 fatty acids for relief of allergic skin disease and treatment of arthritis
Omega-3 supplementation for the health of skin and joints The answer to this is YES, they do work. There are scientific studies verifying...

Apr 11, 2016
Parvovirus is back
I invite you to review the signs of parvo and review other pertinent information. This link is to the American Veterinary Medical...

Oct 4, 2015
Giardia – common parasite, common questions
Symptoms for Giardia include but are not limited to: diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy. Usually though, it is found on routine fecal...

Jul 9, 2015
Nexgard™ is available at Oasis Animal Hospital
We are excited to announce that we are providing Nexgard™ to our clients with dogs. This is a once-a-month chewable from the makers of...

Feb 5, 2015
Midwestern University Opens Veterinary College in Glendale Arizona
(Update: Midwestern did admit the first class in the fall of 2014) These students will graduate in the Spring of 2019.) A recent news...

Dec 9, 2014
What is this man doing in our dumpster?
John came up with an unusual and wonderful passion in his version of “giving back” to the community. For many years John has gathered and...
Oct 23, 2014
Ebola Virus – what you need to know
There is justifiable concern around the world for the actual and potential harm caused by Ebola virus. We wanted to share some pertinent...

Jul 17, 2014
F.I.V. or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is still around
There is a vaccine available for F.I.V. at this time. The success rate in preventing infection is estimated at about 80%. But that means...

Jun 4, 2014
Summer Heat is here
Remember: Make sure that your dog has access to fresh water at all times. Dehydration is a common complication leading to heat stress or...
Apr 1, 2014
Seresto collars available at Oasis Animal Hospital
The battle against ticks and fleas has been going on for years. Recently, a new collar was introduced that holds the promise to give pets...

Mar 11, 2014
When hours really matter!
If you see changes in your pet that are completely out of the ordinary, when there is a sudden loss of appetite, when there is repeated...

Feb 26, 2014
How does Laser Therapy work?
You will find this video helpful if you are interested in the science behind the healing effects of laser treatment. Biological effects...
Feb 25, 2014
Laser Therapy applications
Beginning March 1st, we are offering a new therapy for pets that may dramatically change outcomes for many pets. We now proudly offer...

Nov 26, 2013
Deer Antlers can be harmful to your dog’s teeth
I recommend you choose VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council) chews. I mention VOHC-approved chews exclusively and there is a reason;...

Nov 7, 2013
Pyometra Pyometra – This word brings chills to veterinarians. Why? Because it signifies that a common surgery was not performed and a...

Oct 30, 2013
Toxic Jerky Pet Treats
Some of you may have heard about the latest in a long line of investigations into the safety of products sold in the United States but...

Oct 15, 2013
Why buy your pet’s medication from your veterinarian
There are now a number of ads on tv and the internet about getting your pets medication online. One of the biggest products is heartworm...
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